October 17, 2023

How good UX/UI design makes painting walls easier.

Don't want to paint on walls when moving out - Who doesn't know it? We have recently been working with the Berlin-based startup ConBotics working together to develop a control app for the painting robot of the future. Read here whether he will be able to paint the walls for you the next time you move, how the project has gone so far and what a Berlin underground car park has to do with it.

The robot revolution in crafts

No more annoying brushing around when you move out of your old apartment, who hasn't wished for that before? With this motivation, ConBotics has developed a painting robot that can paint walls fully automatically. With the help of a high-pressure system, the robot sprays paint over its movable arm. At the same time, the room is measured by 2 lidar sensors so that the robot does not miss any angle of the room. Start-up prize, Top50 Startups Award, Innovation Award... the list is still long because the idea is extremely well received, especially in the B2B sector!

An app for the high-tech robot

When we started the project, it quickly became clear where the big challenge lay: The robot must be as simple as possible so that the high-tech device can be operated even without studying computer science. A intuitive UX/UI design Should help you simply via tablet app Connect to the robot, draw in the room and then start the robot. In this way, the painter should be able to start working directly without complicated presets or measuring the space.

Practical test in the underground car park

We have been supporting the project for a few months now and, as with most of our customers, have worked 100% remotely so far. However, as a tech nerd I didn't want to miss out on seeing the robot in action, we were invited to Berlin for a demo of the robot. Perfect for evaluating the new UX/UI design for the robot interface once again on site. As soon as we had arrived in Berlin, we found ourselves in the underground car park of the Innovation Center where the test setup was already in place - my technical heart jumped in air.

Heaven for tech nerds

Christoph and David, two of the three founders of Conbotics, explained the robot to us again in detail and we quickly found ourselves in an intensive technical talk. Which controller is installed? Is the part here 3D printed? How do the lidar sensors work and is that actually a PlayStation controller with which you can drive the robot from A to B? I had arrived in heaven for tech nerds. After we had just talked for almost an hour, we finally wanted to see the robot in action and the wall of the parking garage was perfect for that - graffiti in Berlin, I don't think I need to say more at this point.

Silicon Valley feeling in Berlin

The robot drove off and within less than 3 minutes, the wall was covered with graffiti, a perfectly white painted area. Despite the high-pressure system, the robot was extremely quiet as the compressor only started when more pressure was actually required in the system. I watched the robot apply one track after another paint onto the wall and during this almost hypnotic process I just thought to myself, “How cool is it that we are standing here in an underground car park in Berlin and are allowed to help shape tomorrow's robotic future ourselves.

UX/UI design made for startups

Thanks again to the ConBotics team for the invitation! It is precisely because of startups like you who work on a vision with dedication and passion, that we only founded KNGURU in the first place.

P.S. If you want to see the future results of our collaboration, it's best to follow us on Instagram or check out our website regularly!

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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Louis Nell
CEO Knguru Studios
Moin ich bin Louis, kreativer Kopf und Gründer von KNGURU Studios. Wenn wir einmal anfangen über Technik, Startups oder Produktdesign zu quatschen kannst du dir sicher sein, das es so schnell kein halten mehr gibt. Deswegen gibt es auch mittlerweile diesen Blog in dem ich meine Reise als Startup- und Agenturgründer dokumentiere.
Vera Große
UX Management
Hi, ich bin Vera! Meine Verantwortung liegt im Bereich Projektmanagement und Kundenbetreuung. In diesem Blog teilen wir nicht nur unsere Erfahrungen als Startup- und Agenturgründer, sondern auch unsere Begeisterung für kreative Ideen und visionäre Konzepte.Mit Expertise und Leidenschaft arbeiten wir daran, innovative Projekte zum Leben zu erwecken und gleichzeitig unsere eigene Reise zu dokumentieren.

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