March 2, 2022

Digitalization potential with apps for companies

Digital transformation offers companies various advantages. Processes are simplified or completely automated, the work of employees is simplified and their satisfaction is increased. Here you can read what options native apps, cross-platform apps or web apps offer you.

Using Potential in Companies with Mobile Apps

Apps aren't just iOS or Android applications, which are available for download from the App Store. For example, the web app is used exclusively via a browser and is used by users online. What they all have in common is that they have a limited range of functions and therefore fulfill specific purposes.

Android apps and iOS apps also run quickly and smoothly on mobile devices. In this way, they enable the end user to use them efficiently and intuitively. The latter is promoted precisely by the limited scope of use. The application is developed and optimized specifically for specific processes so that they can be run to maximum satisfaction. An app for Android or an iOS app can be installed quickly and easily with just one click. Once the download from the App Store is complete, it can be started up and running immediately. As a rule, end users do not go through a long learning phase.

Apps are designed so that they can be used immediately and without training. This is achieved, for example, by splitting up complicated processes. The user is guided through them step by step. In this way, rapid success is achieved and projects can be completed quickly.

For companies, working with app projects has the advantage that employees can master new areas of activity without training. The application guides you through the processes to be completed in a simple and understandable way. Explanations and tips can be stored here without any problems and displayed to the user in the corresponding section.

Develop an app for the future-oriented company

The costs for internally used hybrid apps or cross-platform apps are usually not very high. The focus here is on functionality and user-friendliness, which is why many visually appealing refinements can be omitted. At the same time, the app idea should reduce the company's costs in the long term and save the budget. Apps can therefore An intelligent investment in the future Be of the company.

Programming Android apps - What are the benefits of developing an app for companies?

There are apps for companies like Sand by the Sea. A wide variety of applications can be downloaded for little money from the App Store or Google Play Store. They are intended to support companies with various processes and make everyday work easier for employees.
However, such apps are not tailored to the specific processes of a specific company. Instead, they offer general functions that only slightly or not improve the way you work in everyday use. In addition, the data protection component in freely available apps is often not transparent. Companies are usually not aware of how the creator of the app handles the entered data.

It is also unclear which standard is used to protect data. However, companies themselves are obligated to their contractual partners to handle their data carefully. The use of a freely available app can have consequences for them under data protection law.

It is different with an app that is developed specifically for a company. Programmers create them in Android Studio according to the company's wishes. In doing so, they can design it in such a way that it is compatible with current data protection regulations. In addition, this app is only used by a single company. The data entered will not be passed on to third parties. These may have their registered office abroad and do not comply with German data protection standards.

Sensitive data therefore remains in an internal system. With the right protective measures, this protects them from access by unauthorised third parties.

An app developed specifically for a company is also adapted precisely to its needs. The template can form already tried and tested work processes, which are either adopted in this way or are further optimized. In this way, tried and tested products are simply digitized and can therefore be carried out more easily and efficiently. In this way, the application offers an actual advantage that is noticeable in everyday working life. If Developers Program an App using the Java Programming Language or the Java Development Kit, this entails costs. Traditional apps from the App Store or Google Play Store appear cheaper at first glance.
However, a subscription is often required after the download and initial use. This is also associated with running costs. In the long run, they can be higher than those of one-time app development.

Cross-platform apps developed with app kits in particular save the budget thanks to lower development costs. Web apps, which can already be sufficient for simple internal processes, are even cheaper.

Business app - what is there to consider?

The work of app agencies is not completed when the app is completed. The application is integrated into the fast-paced and complex daily work routine in the company. This requires regular maintenance and updates. In this way, the app can be adapted to changes and always stay up to date. This prevents failures and ensures a safe and reliable work tool.

Mobile app programming for companies - How can an app make work easier?

A company app can make everyday work easier in various ways. If there are recurring processes in your company, they can most likely be integrated into an app. This simplifies and optimizes them.

The options differ from one company to the next. The digitization potential depends on factors such as the area of activity and individual processes.

A non-binding enquiry with to app developer Can you help if you have any uncertainties. The programmers can advise you and comprehensively examine your company for weak points and the need for optimization. The basis for this is usually recurring processes and paper forms, which are sustainably digitized. Workers' frustration points are also taken into account so that their satisfaction can be improved. Ideally, this will give you a completely new business model that is primarily digital and saves resources. The focus is on the actual added value of the application. In this way, your company remains competitive in the long term and adapts to the innovations of the modern world.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Louis Nell
CEO Knguru Studios
Moin ich bin Louis, kreativer Kopf und Gründer von KNGURU Studios. Wenn wir einmal anfangen über Technik, Startups oder Produktdesign zu quatschen kannst du dir sicher sein, das es so schnell kein halten mehr gibt. Deswegen gibt es auch mittlerweile diesen Blog in dem ich meine Reise als Startup- und Agenturgründer dokumentiere.
Vera Große
UX Management
Hi, ich bin Vera! Meine Verantwortung liegt im Bereich Projektmanagement und Kundenbetreuung. In diesem Blog teilen wir nicht nur unsere Erfahrungen als Startup- und Agenturgründer, sondern auch unsere Begeisterung für kreative Ideen und visionäre Konzepte.Mit Expertise und Leidenschaft arbeiten wir daran, innovative Projekte zum Leben zu erwecken und gleichzeitig unsere eigene Reise zu dokumentieren.

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